Monday, February 27, 2012

A Blog a Day...

In a renewed effort to keep the creative juices flowing, I am attempting to blog each day about something I find interesting in the design world. Today I am so pleased with my new blog design, and have to give a shout out to Shabby Blogs. I discovered them while perusing other blogs through Pinterest and was delighted to find a slew of freebies with pre written code! PRE WRITTEN CODE! Plus generous intructions on how to implement said code.
It really is that simple. By clicking on "get the code" you may copy and paste the code for your background, for example, into the content section of your blogger design. It worked like a charm the first time. I mixed and matched until I felt I had the right combination of style that identified with my brand style, and am even thinking of some new projects to incorporate these fabulous designs.
Sometimes all you need is a helping hand to create something new and fresh ... and totally different than what you think! Design blocks are common with designers, from fashion to websites, and although we often look to the internet for inspiration, it is important to recognize the source and give due credit. The background and header of the blog you see before you are all from Many surprises await you there, so click visit and create! Have a wonderful week, designers!!!