Sunday, December 6, 2009

Making Your Christmas Card Look Professional

Making Your Christmas Card look Professional

posted Dec 3, 2009 11:58 AM by Laura Karp [ updated 3 hours ago ]

Make your Own Christmas Cards with Royalty Free Images

Author: Jameson Meer
For a great personalized and home made touch, try making your own Christmas card this season. Being a great designer is not a big deal, you just have to look for ideas on royalty free images provided. First thing is to look for pictures that you think might inspire others on receiving your card. Images are great help to make people more comfortable on looking and reading at your Christmas Card. Think of the possibilities that you can use on making it presentable and creative to see. Recycling your received cards is a great help on developing your new Christmas cards. There are software programs that you can use on making your card. Also, not only images are provided but even clip arts are given.

A greeting card that was made by your own hands is more significant than buying from the stores. Making greeting cards can help you express your feelings and give regards to people. Picking your own format, your kind of card, the materials you are going to use and especially the message you are going to include is very important. Collect data and materials first before doing these stuffs so you can select from various selections.

Using your software, just follow these steps to make your Christmas cards creative:

1. There are various software programs you can use to make your greeting cards. These include InDesign, PageMaker, and other publishing software. But before making your card, make drafts to have selections.
2. Pick a format for your greeting card.
3. Choose images and clip-arts found on the Internet such as royalty free images. You can select images on your own will. If you want to make your card simple, just stick on only one image to be inserted. But if you want to be artistic, it is recommended to choose images that best fit your format and even your card message.
4. Don’t forget to modify the images you have selected. You can change the size and even the color to make your card layout better. You can also use frames or any templates that you think it may fit for your greeting card.
5. Select the appropriate font. Don’t make your letterings so small that even you cannot read it clearly. For making Greeting Cards, having only one font is more professional than having so many font styles and even the font color being used.
6. Arrange the graphics and the text. Make it consistent.
7. Add credit lines or any notes.
8. Last thing to do is to print the whole thing. As you can see, you have made your own and original greeting Card without any time looking for a new one. Or for a more professional photocard, visit Vistaprint by clicking here
About the Author:
Creating greeting cards are great for holidays especially if you make use of royal free images to make it more creative.
Article Source: - Make your Own Christmas Cards with Royalty Free Images


How is YOUR posture when you work? Essential advice!!

Health and Wellness


Contrary to popular belief, sitting, which most people believe is relaxing, is hard on the back. Sitting for long periods of time can cause increased pressure on the intervertebral discs — the spongy discs between the vertebra. Sitting is also hard on the feet and legs. Gravity tends to pool blood in the legs and feet and create a sluggish return to the heart.

The following recommendations can help increase comfort for computer users:

"Dynamic sitting", don’t stay in one static position for extended periods of time.

When performing daily tasks, alternate between sitting and standing or take small walking breaks throughout the day.

The chair back should have a lumbar support

Adjust height of backrest to support the natural inward curve of the lower back.

It may be useful to use a rolled towel, lumbar roll or cushion to support the low back.

The angle of the back rest is subjective but the trunk and upper legs should form an angle between 90 to 115 degrees.

Adjust height of chair so feet rest flat on floor

Sit upright in the chair with the low back against the backrest and the shoulders touching the backrest.

Thighs should be parallel to the floor and knees at about the same level as the hips.

Back of knees should not come in direct contact with the edge of the seat pan. There should be 2-4 inches between the edge of the seat and the back of the knee

Arm rests should be removable and the distance between the arm rests should be adjustable.

Adjust height and/or width of armrests so they allow the user to rest arms at their sides and relax/drop their shoulders while keyboarding.

Don’t use armrests to slouch. Also, chair arms should not noticeably elevate your shoulders or force you to move your arms away from your body to use them.

Elbows and lower arms should rest lightly on armrests so as not to cause circulatory or nerve problems.

Use a footrest when attempts to adjust your chair and the rest of the workstation fail to keep your feet on the ground.

Ensure that you have some space (2-3") between the top of your thighs and the underside of your workstation.

Have enough space under your work surface so that you can pull your self all the way up to the edge of the desk with room for your legs and knees to fit comfortably.