Live Vicariously in Paris
Article by Messy Nessy Chic {Click for full article}
In "Paris" on May 20, 2013 at 5:48 pm
good is an iPhone if it can’t take you to Paris?! Or an iPad that can’t
take you on a stroll through Montmartre? I love having you vicariously
tag along with me in Paris and I’m beginning to feel like you might
really have a thing for this city. So I have a hunch you might
like this brand new iPhone and iPad application I’ve come across. From
the talented team behind the beautiful coffee table book Paris in Color,
comes a new digital book combining fine art photography and minimalist
video into visual stories of Paris neighborhoods. With every new volume,
the Paris Journal
will take you on a tour of a different neighbourhood in Paris, down
hidden passages, through private gates and into boulangeries that look
so good you can almost smell the buttery croissants.
A free preview version and
the full version (for $3.99) are available to download now.
Versions available for Kindle, Galaxy and Android will be available